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Roxanne Lizel

About Me

Im Roxanne,30 years old,still single, im a simple woman and i love to travel whenever i have a free time to unwind or just stay at home taking care of my grand mother. My father passed away and were having a problem financially. I want to work again so i can help my family especially my loving mother.

Personal Details

First Name Roxanne Lizel
Last Name balubal
Current Location San Luis, Aurora, Philippines
Nationality Philippines

Household work did in past job/s :

  • Cooking

House hold work I can do :

  • Cleaning,

Photo Id (copy of my passport)

Some more photos of mine:

Previous Work Details

Last Employer Name Marvin Espelita, Nueva Ecija Philippines
Household work did in past job Cooking |

Contact Details :

What's App Number
Alternate Number
Email ID