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About Me

I am a 24-year old Filipina. I am a college graduate with an Engineering course but I do not mind changing path/career for work as long as my task is to do a decent job. Being raised and taught about all the household chores, worry less since I do know how to do a lot of them. I am also a household chore multitasker, like I can do the laundry while also cleaning the house. In addition to the above details, rest assured that I can do any decent job given to me. I love learning new skills. And if you have pets in house like cats and dogs, I'd be more happy to work since I am an pet lover.

Personal Details

First Name Jonalyn
Last Name Antonio
Current Location
Nationality Philippines

Household work did in past job/s :

House hold work I can do :

  • Laundry
  • Dusting
  • Mopping
  • Ironing
  • Utensils Cleaning
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning,
  • Riding Bike

Photo Id (copy of my passport)

Some more photos of mine:

Previous Work Details

Last Employer Name
Household work did in past job

Contact Details :

What's App Number
Alternate Number
Email ID