Consent Preferences HiringHouseHelp | JobList

Job List

Jobs You May Be Interested In

Domestic Worker / House Maid

  • HKD 3500 per month + Accommodation + Food + Medical (Local Currency)
  • Hong Kong
  • Basic helper’s job: cleaning, cooking, ironing, car washing , gardening, taking care of toddlers (2) Experience
  • 211 Days Ago
Live with our family.

Living housekeeper

  • $700 a month US dollars (Local Currency)
  • United States
  • At least one year Experience
  • 310 Days Ago
Quarter provided.

Domestic Worker / House Maid

  • US$ 500 per Month Salary (Local Currency)
  • Angola
  • Friendly and peacefull person Experience
  • 331 Days Ago
Live with family


  • 200$ (Local Currency)
  • Jordan
  • Knowledge of English or Arabic is preferred Experience
  • 340 Days Ago
Large house with three children and a married couple

Domestic Worker / House Maid

  • 500$ USD (Local Currency)
  • Mongolia
  • exprienced are preffered Experience
  • 344 Days Ago